splash the gate

Splash Action Nr. 3, Souzy Tros Art Canteen, Athen, 2019

Photography: Alexandra Masmanidi

Splash Action Nr. 3, Process, Photography: Alexandra Masmanidi

Splash Action Nr. 3, Acrylic on steal, 350 x 190 cm, Detail, Photography: Alexandra Masmanidi

The creation of this community experience was made possible during the residency programm "alternative school” at Souzy Tros Art Canteen, curated by Eleonora Meoni and Maria Papadimitriou.

In 2019, the residents of the Eleonas refugee camp are living in isolation in the camp complex. My aim is to initiate a community experience with young people from the camp and the Eleonas neighbourhood.

Splash Team: Addie, Dorothea, Eleonora, Korina, Nazie, Olga, Rasa, Sana and Zoe

Production: Dorothea Kritikou



